Shipping to Amazon FBA in Poland and Czech Republic

Amazon Fulfillment Centers in the Great Britain (UK)
November 26, 2019
What is EORI number and when Amazon sellers need one?
February 27, 2020

Shipping to Amazon FBA in Poland and Czech Republic

For non-Amazon partnered carrier shipments routed to a fulfillment centers in Poland and Czech Republic, you now have the option to send directly to the Central European fulfillment center, without passing through Amazon’s Amm hub in Germany.

To enable the function, you have to use the checkbox ‘Use direct inbound option and send directly to the Central European Fulfillment Center’ available at the ‘2. Delivery service’ section on the ‘Prepare shipment’ step.

By activating the function, you will receive shipment labels showing the Czech and Polish address of the given CEE fulfillment center. Please consider that LTL or Truck Load Delivery and non-Amazon partnered carrier small parcel shipment requirements apply – we encourage you to work with FBA Prep Poland for you FBA prep needs.

Please also note, that when shipping from Germany, your carrier may incur additional costs for cross-border delivery.

Finally, please be aware that the Amm hub still has preferential treatment when booking inbound appointments for palletized deliveries. Your carrier will be able to deliver on the next available slot given by the fulfillment center.

You can find EU fulfillment center addresses and specific delivery requirements to check specific vehicle restrictions per fulfillment center on our website.

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